Smart digital lawyer which provides legal advice, creates total ready documents and helps find professionals or electronic services (government or private) for solving a problem.
We’re providing automated legal advising for citizens and small business. Today we are coverage 350 legal topic like getting financial support from government (because of COVID-19, child support, families with more than 3 child, etc), help this family issues (marriage, inheritance, family property, etc). In addition to advice I can generate 40 documents (application for choosing a tax group, an application to the court, a lease agreement, sale and purchase, receipt, etc).
Also, we help find out more about your rights, new useful digital services provided by authority or private business.
How does it work?
Pravoman works as chatbot. You ask questions, after that Pravoman clarify topic and other important details. As a result, it gives individual advice or ready documents. Also, Pravoman use government Open data to be sure, that advice is accurate.
Today Pravoman works with 6 platforms:
– as chatbots on Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Viber
– as apps for iOS and Android
– as the web chat on our website.
For whom this product?
And if in more detail. Our product was created for citizens who need legal help with civil, family or social issues.
We will tell you how to properly enter into contracts of sale, donation, loan, and so on, help to quickly register a marriage, change the name, receive alimony or inherit. We will help you protect your rights, how to properly apply to government agencies, receive social assistance and much more.
Furthermore, we also have a separate section for small businesses where we tell you how to properly draw up documents, labour law, taxes and everything that can be useful to a businessman.
After adding Pravoman to your phone, you get a real lawyer on your smartphone who is ready to help at any time.


Smart generation
I help my user create legal documents in 1 minutes. All you need it is answer the questions. And after that, you will receive totally ready for a signature document for public bodies or your partners.

I provide advice in 3 minutes, without leaving home and unnecessary contacts. All you need it is desire and Internet. Added me to our contacts (or downloaded App) you get own lawyer in smartphone.

I’m a universal lawyer for you and your business. I will help with your family issues, customer rights, in case if you decide selling or buying something, when you get inheritance or decided to get married ant etc.
Also, I become your reliable business adviser. I will be helpful to figure out with labour rules, taxes agreements with partners and other legal nuances for your business

If you subscribe to the news subsection, then we can notify you of all important news and changes that relevant for you. My team every day improves advices and add new topics in my “baggage”. It’s means that every time when you will use me you will update your knowledge and learn more information.

Qualified advising
Except my team, our parters also working on our topics. We got partnership with Ministry of Justice, a lot of NGOs which are providing legal help and also with high-level legal attorneys which are leaders of the market. All these people have a huge experience and help us to make the most high quality advises, and to give it to you directly through your phone, tablet or even laptop.

Open Data
In our advices we use government Open Data. Such function gives us more relevant information about you and give options to individualize our advising. As a supplement, we will give more information about your legal status, and we will inform about data that was collected about you and others citizens by the government.

White label survice
We can help Your organization to get the own smart digital advisor with your name front on it.
We provide for You service based on Pravoman system to automize our:
- generation of documents and document flow
- advising your labours, citizens, or your target group (customers)
All that You must do in such case, it’s to decide what the topics and document we will to automize. And of course, what platform You need.
Our team is ready to customize the product for Your issues. In processing of the product development we will design for users flows and create the best UX for your product. So in the result you get individual product for Your company or organization.
It’s very easy. The first payment will be for design and creating of the product. After that, You will pay a fixed price for supporting and updating of product.


· 5 years law practice
· 3 years of legal engineering
· 2 years Director of NGO

· 12 years development
· 8 years business developer
· 14 successful IT-products
Our partners

Service for monitoring government Open Data

1991 Open Data Incubatot
SocialBoost NGO within the framework of the 1991 Open Data Incubator project

Monitoring and buying train tickets

The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law is a social enterprise devoted to user-friendly justice.

Service of preparation of documents for recovery of alimony
Seleznyov & Partners Law Firm

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
within the project “I have the right”

Divorce preparation service
Seleznyov & Partners Law Firm
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